What access does my bookkeeper and accountant have?
They will have access to your transactions with permission to edit categories and allocation by property. They won’t be able to move funds.
What data is shared with homeowners?
Homeowners will have read-only view of their properties finances which includes transactions, reporting and view of their balance. Homeowners are limited to exporting data but can't perform any other actions.
Can I use Clearing to send reports to owners?
Yes, Clearing generates owner statements that can be customized and shared with homeowners via email.
Can I create custom owner reports?
Yes, you can edit each owner statement to hide or add line items. You can include your property management logo as well.
What roles and permissions are available to collaborate with others?
You can invite your accountant and employees to categorize your transactions. They won’t be able to move funds.You can invite homeowners to visualize their property finances. They are read-only users and can’t move funds or access your accounts.
Can I invite my accountant to review my transactions?
Yes. They will have access to your transactions but won’t be able to move funds.
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